Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Holiday Blues

 2020 will forever be remembered as the year we lost. All around the world, people lost loved ones, jobs, and homes. However, I'm here to remind you that with God we win. It may seem difficult right now but position your eyes to things that are above (Colossians 3). 

With the year many of us had, it may not be the easiest holiday season for some of us. This is my second Christmas without my mom since she passed away last August. Last Christmas was difficult, but not as hard as this year because I had a boyfriend who tried to make the holiday special. Now, this year, I am left to navigate the holiday without my mother and as a single 28-year-old. Look, life does not always go as planned, and it's okay to grieve what was. The thing is that we shouldn't stay in difficult seasons forever. Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a season/time for everything. I'm not telling you that you must get out and act like everything is perfectly fine this holiday season because it may not be perfectly fine for you. It's not for me. We all have different situations, and our feelings are valid. 

I spent part of the day laying in bed feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in my misfortunes. I attempted to video call my friends, but seeing them around their families while I'm at home alone with my cat made me feel happy for them but incredibly sad for myself. This is my less than perfect truth. I want my momma. I want to be married with children. I want Christmas gifts. But in my funk, I failed to recognize all that I do have. I have a sister and nephew I get to visit tomorrow. I have food in the fridge and a roof over my head. I have bills that are paid. I have life. I have salvation. I have Jesus Christ who calls me to "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). And in my thanksgiving, my mood shifted. I'm not saying that I don't have pain anymore, but my pain does not have me.

The thing is that this holiday season will look different for many of us. If you have lost deeply this year, I am truly sorry. Your pain is real and valid, but I encourage you to rejoice even in the midst. While in prison, the Apostle Paul reminds us to rejoice in the Lord always, pray and petition to God, and give thanks so that God's peace can guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:4-9). This is not an easy task. Honestly, there are times when my hurts are so deep that I must depend on the Holy Spirit to intercede on my behalf because I can't even speak or think straight (Romans 8:26). One of the amazing things about God is that he will meet you where you at, and he will help you. 

My thoughts and prayers are with anyone going through troubling times, and I hope that you will meet with God to help you through. I also offer a reminder that we also remember the meaning behind Christmas. Christmas is about Jesus humbling himself to be born of a virgin to save the world from their sins, and this is the greatest Christmas gift. 

Peace and love, 


The Holiday Blues