Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Spirit of Compromise

Lately, I have been thinking over my life and the lives of others and how there appears to be this compromising mindset. We may settle for a certain grade, in a friendship, or in our relationship with God. The type of compromising attitude I'm speaking about is when we don't give our all. 

We can learn a lot from the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3. In particular, the Laodicea and Ephesus churches stand out to me. This is probably because I have fallen victim to the charges that stood against these churches. They lost their first love and they were neither hot nor cold. We can't give our all to God when we are stuck in a lukewarm mindset or if we have lost our focus from serving him completly. 

Listen, compromising is hardly a good thing because you're pretty much stuck lowering your standards while the other person gets more than they bargained for. With most compromising situations someone wins and someone loses. When you don't give your all in your relationship with God, it may appear that you're "winning" if you're living it up and having the time of your life. But, get that, it's not really you who is winning, it's the devil. If you keep up that lifestyle of compromising and not giving your all with Jesus, you will lose when he spews you out of his mouth. It just doesn't measure up because you're not only hurting yourself but also God. You're his beloved child, and it hurts him when you're not walking with him.

So, I was listening to this awesome song by the Newsboys. ( Me and my friend Tania were jamming and singing along to this song while we waited for my friend Camielle in Walmart's parking lot, when this guy parks next to us blaring his music. It was some nonsense music about bottles popping or something. However, his music started to get louder than my radio. All of a sudden my radio started to get static so I couldn't hear my music anymore. It then picked up his music and began to play his song. Once I realized this, I shut off the radio and turned on my Christian cd. 

Meaning: We can be doing what we need to do and be on the right track then a trick of the enemy comes up, and it's like we can't hear or feel God near. We can become complacent and accept our issues or we can fight back. If you are compromising your spiritual walk so that you can live in the flesh or you're not giving your all, get up and press in his presence to ensure that you get what you need from Him. Don't just sit back and let things happen. Do all it takes to give your all to God. If one way isn't working, try another.
Listen to "Give My All" by KB. I provided the link above :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pray First, Act Second

As a Christian, it is vital to stay in prayer. Prayer is our communication with God. The more we talk with Jesus, the more our relationship grows.
I was strolling through my phone the other day, and I found the picture above. Honestly, it hit me like a ton of bricks because I had been so focused on myself that my attention wasn't on God and what he wanted for me. So, to make a long story short, I bought a car this weekend. I totally overspent on it, and to top it off the car needs a lot of money to still be put into it. Trust me, I went through! Spending thousands while making minimum wage is not my idea of fun. 

Where I went wrong in the natural is that I didn't do my research beforehand, and I rushed the entire process and didn't apply paitence. But in the spiritual, (for starters) I didn't pray before I moved. Had I prayed and asked God for direction, I wouldn't be short a few thousands of dollars with a less than perfect car. 

What I am trying to say here is that prayer is your lifeline. It's really important to get in that fellowship and communion with Christ. God will not bless what he's not apart of, so it is vital to incorporate him in every aspect of your life. I remember Heather Lindsay's blog where she stated that she talked to God about what she should wear. It struck me: there is nothing too big or too small to talk to God about. God just loves to hear from us! 

1 Thessalonians 5:17
  I'll end by recapping a dream I had a few weeks ago. 

I was with God or with one of God's angels and he led me to this dark place. What I saw down there, I assume to be the devil or one of his demons. He was pacing all around in this dark abyss. It was revealed to me that his biggest goal is stop people from praying. 

Remember the importance of prayer. It encases your weapons of warfare.

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Ephesians 6:18

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Redefined By Fire

Redefine: To reexamine or reevaluate especially with a view to change. 

Daniel 3 tells the story of three Jewish men who refused to bow down at the statue of King Nebuchadnezzar and worship it. Nebuchadnezzar mandated that all the peoples of every nation and every tongue were to bow down and worship his image of gold whenever music was played.  If a person did not fall down and worship this false god, they were to be thrown into a fiery furnace. 

As soon as the music played, everyone (all the peoples, nations and men of every language) fell down and worshiped that image of gold (Daniel 3:7). Everyone but Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (a.k.a Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) 

Quick side note: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were these three Jewish men’s Babylonian names which they were given. These new names mean “command of Aku,” “Who is what Aku is?” and “Servant of the god Nergal” respectively. These names are in reverence to false gods. Contrastingly, the men’s Jewish names bring admiration to the one true God, Jesus Christ.  Hananiah meaning “Yahweh is gracious,” Mishael meaning “Who is like God?” Or “to feed or “to provide,” and Azariah meaning “Yahweh has helped.”

How many times have people tried to change your name or your identity? But whom God appointed you to be and what he calls you to be shows whom you really are. You see, the names the Babylonians gave these three men did not define them. They were not led or helped by Aku or Nergal. Their Christ-ordained names explicitly shows readers who they were and who God is. God is gracious, there is none like him, he provides for us, and he helps us. 

While these three men are typically referred by their Babylonian names, it is important to understand the meaning of their real names. Understand your real name too (what God calls you: loved, redeemed, precious, honored, etc.) and you’ll understand your identity and God’s grace. 

Okay, I’m back to the story now. Lol. So the three Jewish men didn’t bow down and worship this false god. I picture this scene so vividly: beautiful wind instruments playing loudly throughout the kingdom declaring all people to do an evil deed, thousands (if not millions) of people falling to their face at the sight of a ninety feet high and nine feet wide statue, and three Jewish men standing boldly in their faith. I’m literally in tears just thinking about the strength these men had. Even faced with death they held their onto their beliefs. How many times have I compromised my beliefs just to avoid looking “different” in the eyes of my peers? We all need to have their unshakable, unwavering faith in God, and trust that he is our strength (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

So, they’re brought to King Nebuchadnezzar for not bowing down at his statute and he is FURIOUS. He warns them once more that if they don’t worship this image that they will be thrown into a blazing furnace. Then the cocky fellow states, “Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?” (verse fifteen). 

But the three men’s response to the King’s ignorance is awesome! “we do not need to need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” (verses sixteen-eighteen). 


  1. They state “we do not need to defend ourselves.” Get that you do not need to defend yourself in every situation. Know when to hold your tongue. Know that God will fight your battles. God’s actions in the later verses show a lot more than the men could have ever said!
  2. They believed God had the ability to save them, but even if he chose not to, they still refused to compromise their beliefs. God can save you from any situation you face. If it doesn’t go how you might want, still worship him. That’s sovereign praise.
  3. They were still respectful. Even though Nebuchadnezzar is talking all this trash they  still showed him respect by speaking like they weren't ignorant. When your boss or teachers are getting on your nerves, remember that they are in authority over your life on this side of heaven. 

You will have opposition in the spiritual and natural realms. 

James 1:4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 

1 Corinthinans 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 

Okay so, the king is pretty mad and he orders the furnace to be heated SEVEN TIMES HOTTER than usual. He gets some of the strongest soldiers to tie up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to throw them into the blazing furnace. The king’s command was so urgent the fire killed the soldiers who took up the Jewish men. Geez. 

So then, Nebuchadnezzar leaps to his feet in amazement and was like “Weren't there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?”  And his advisers are like “yeah.” He (Nebuchadnezzar) said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.” (verse twenty four-twenty five).


The guards who tried to deliver the three Jewish men to the furnace died themselves (Psalm 57:6), but the three men who were thrown in the furnace are walking around with a fourth guy unharmed?!?!  

But how…

God’s grace. 

When we go through our fires in our lives and we’re for God, God will be for us. He literally walked with the three Jewish guys through it all. He promises the same for us too! (Deuteronomy 31:6)

While the men went through the fire they were loosed from the ties holding them. Sometimes we have to go through the fire to become unbound and freed from our chains. They were set free! This can be us too in both the natural and spiritual realms. 

A redefining took place. 

When they went through their fire and came out, the people observed that “the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them” (verse twenty seven). They didn't look like what they went through! We may go through some storms and fires in our lives, but thanks be to God, Jesus will cover us so that we will look like we didn’t go through some mess. 

The people saw what God brought them out unharmed. This was a testimony to others the power of God and how his hand is over those who are obedient to Him. Those people saw that day that there is no God like Jesus Christ! (verse twenty eight-thirty).

Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. 

So if you are going through the fire know that God is with you. He’s the same God of Hananiah, Misheael, and Azariah who is able to protect and serve as your strength. 

Be Blessed.

C. Walt

Thursday, July 10, 2014

For Every Mountain

For every mountain you've brought me overFor every trial you've seen me through -Kurt Carr 

Ahhh...mountains. We've all been there. We want to get over our mountains in our lives. But we may appear stuck in our valleys or struggling through our climbs.

We have seasons in our lives where we are in the valley or on top of a mountain. I have spent so much of my life in the valley. God gave me a visual of what it means to be in your valley with a giant mountain right in front of you. I would like to share with you how it relates to the spiritual realm :) 

Valleys are our low points. It's the hard times when all we see are the obstacles in front of us. Those obstacles are our mountains. The mountain is what we have to climb to get out of our valley. Too often we see our situation and not the hope and future God has in store for us (Jeremiah 29:11). I believe that God has already moved that mountain on our behalf. God knows what is over that mountain.There lies the fulfillment of his promises. Blessing are yours, just keep climbing! But let me tell you, straight up. It's not an easy climb, but once you get to the top of your mountain you'll realize that it was all so worth it. 

Now, don't get overwhelmed. You will get overwhelmed if you focus on the challenge in front of you and not on God. To get out of the valley, we have to keep moving forward and seeking God's face. We may think our mountain is too high or too much for us to climb, and it is without the proper equipment: God. We can't find our peace, deliverance, health, or whatever is on top of your mountain without God's help. 

Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. 

God is our rope, harness, ice ax. Everything we need to get out of our valleys. While it's hard being in the valley, get ready because climbing your mountains is tough too. It's almost like the devil is doing all he can to keep you in your valley or in a stagnant season. But keep climbing! Keep striving for the breaking of your soul ties, removal of your depression, freedom from addictions, or loosing of demonic attacks. Beware that when you climb a mountain, it gets harder the closer you get to the top. The air gets thinner, it gets colder, the elements become more hazardous. You see, the the closer you get to defeating your obstacle the harder it may appear to be reach your salvation. It may seem like the devil is throwing everything at you to get you out of alignment. 

Understand that the closer you get reaching your full potential and living in Christ's purpose for you life the harder the devil is going to try to make sure you don't reach the top of your mountain. The devil attacks those who threaten his kingdom. But hold onto your life rope! The closer you get to the top the more you need to hang onto Jesus. Keep climbing and know that every mountain in your life that God has already brought you through it if you keep your eyes on him. 

Whatever you're struggling with, Jesus already died and rose again for it. 



The Holiday Blues