This reference of "hell" was towards my teaching career. I graduated college with this unrealistic hope of changing the lives of each of my students. I left my high school English teacher career realizing that while I did not positively touch all my students, I at least touched a few.
If you have spoken to me about my teaching experience over the last two years, you probably could have sensed my dissatisfaction. While everything has not been completely rosy and perfect, I don't regret this season. Yes, I wish things could have been smoother, but it's okay that it wasn't. Even though I didn't think I'd make it at times, I've learned so much about people and myself. While going through these last two school years felt unbearable at times, I understand why I had to go through it more now. (I won't go into detail here because that is an entirely different blog post).

Romans 8:28- All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
Yes, this scripture is probably one of the most quoted, but it has such life to it. In my different seasons of life, it has had different meanings and interpretations for me(Hebrews 4:12).

"All things work together for the good," but through it all, I realize that the "good" is God. Through the sleepless nights, blinding fears, enflamed anger---there was only one person I could be completely honest with in my desperate moments. Jesus. For a touch of his hand, a glimpse of his face, and a piece of his undeniable peace made it all worth it.
"Sometimes the storms of this life are God's blessings in disguise" -Laura Story

Peace and Love,
Peace and Love,
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