Sunday, July 12, 2015

Fill Me Up

I recently went to the 2015 Pinky Promise Conference in Atlanta, Geogeria, and let me tell you, it was AMAZING. Seriously, some life altering stuff went down there. Thanks to the Holy Ghost and some willing vessels. I can go on and on about all the things I learned there, but I’ll talk about what God laid on my heart.


So during one of the worship sessions, the crowd began to sing: “Fill me up so that I can overflow”

 I was out there singing out and enjoying myself, but then it really hit me when I made it back to my hotel.


I had spent majority of my Spring semester feeling entirely drained. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and drowning. I am over a few of the ministries at church including the drama team and accountability ministry. People would show up late to practice unapologetically, ignore my texts, and I felt pretty disrespected.


The thing is that I was over these ministries for a couple of years, but last semester really got me down. Why? I let people influence how I felt instead God. I let people dictate my emotions instead God. I would get annoyed and frustrated, when all I had to do was give it to God. (Matthew 11:28-30). If I had kept my eyes on Christ, instead of man and my situation, peace would have replaced my weariness. (Isisiah 26:3).

I didn't go into ministry to please people, I went to please God. I lost track of that.


I started to work unto man and not unto God. I wanted people to like the plays instead of keeping the focus solely on God. Yes, I got sidetracked part of the time, and for that I am deeply sorry. I put the woman’s ministry God told me to do on hold because I was tired.


You know why I was tired? Because I didn’t stay in God’s prescense like I needed to. The more you stay at Jesus’ feet, hungry and desperate for him, the more he fills you up.


God wants us to overflow.

Image result for cup overflowing
If you keep pouring water into that cup, it will soon begin to pour out onto other things. That’s how we should be with Christ.


Let God fill you up until you overflow. Then, we could have our cups so filled with Christ that he keeps pouring out into us that we overflow. The more Jesus pours into us, all that living water will soon, then go out into the masses. You are so filled with Jesus that it gets to everyone else, and you are still filled.


I was boarderline dry last semester. I was over here dehydrated, and I was out there trying to give out what I didn’t have. I was not overflowing because I rushed my time with God. I didn’t go to him to get filled up like I needed to. How can we try to pour out what’s not in us? We can't.


He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Titus 3:6 Fill Me Up by Casey J




The Holiday Blues