It’s becoming clear that we are living in the last days. Jesus is coming back! And he's coming back really soon. Throughout the Bible, clear examples on how we should live our lives are provided. In Revelation, there are seven churches mentioned, most of them are used as examples on what not to do. I’ve been going with my sister to visit a few churches to help her find a church home. One thing that I have noticed in the last two churches we visited is that they are dead.
How did I know they were dead? There was no fire, no mass excitement, for being in the house of God. People stood there during praise and worship and did nothing (a few people did really worship though). I can not wrap my head around wanting God’s prescense to fill the atmosphere, but doing nothing to welcome him there. I understand people have different worship styles, but we cannot worship God in the flesh. We cannot worship God by not stepping out of our comfort zones to give him glory. Can’t we clap, lift our hands, and sing unto the creator of the universe? We can and we should.
“…I know thy works, that though hast name that thou livest, and art dead” Revelation 3:1.
I don’t know about you, but I do not want God to tell me that I’m dead. I am not just saying that you can be dead in your worship, but you can be dead in your life. We’re being spiritual zombies when we do not give God our all. Are we being complacent with were we are? Are we not really striving to reach the true source of life? Are we just going through the motions? These are serious questions because I’ve been there and done that. It fulfills nothing, not you and certainly not Jesus.
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colassians 3:17. Everything you do, do it for the true Vine. Go to work letting God lead you; go help your neighbor to give God glory; go worship God for God, not yourself; go pray to God and don’t offer a 60 second prayer before you drift off to sleep; go pour out your all.
The beautiful thing about the word of God is that he restores dead things to life. If you’re feeling dead, ask Jesus to awaken in you a fire and a zeal to worship Him.
When Jeremiah was mocked for serving God and he attempted to hold in his praise, he couldn’t.“His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut uup in my bones” Jeremiah 20:9.
My prayer is that we will not go through the motions with the most important relationship of our lives, and that a fire will saturate and consume us. The beautiful thing about a fire is that it cannot be contained; it spreads to everything in its path. Be so on fire for God that it reaches the masses.
(Note: This is not a piece intended to slam or throw shade. This is a piece that I hope allows the Holy Spirit to speak to you through, as it has fore me).
Peace and love.
Great songs: Matthew West "The Motions" Will Regan "Set a Fire"