God will give me the desires of my heart? Hey, hey now! Sounds good to me! But wait, don’t forget the first part of the verse. Delight yourself in the Lord. Delight means to please (someone) greatly or to take great pleasure in. So in order for God to give you the desires of your heart, you have to please him. This verse is not just a blank check, for you have to do part and provide the pen.
As I have been seeking God to give me the desires of my heart, I have realized that it may require steps from me in order to get my wishes fulfilled. He has been giving me little tests to see if I am equipped to handle the desires I hope for.
Towards the end of high school and my beginning college years, I really wanted more godly friends. I wanted friends whom I could freely talk about Jesus all the time and not look like I had sprouted three heads. God did this by first removing majority of my old friends who did not bring me closer to him. Truthfully, this hurt a lot, and this was a painful experience for me. I hated staying in the house on Friday nights by myself week after week. I was lonely.
Loneliness can only be filled by God’s presence.
Looking back, I am soooo grateful for this season in my life. My relationship with Jesus grew; I realized that he is all I need. I learned that loneliness can only be filled by God's presence. I believe he also allowed me to go through this season so that when I did receive more Christian friends I wouldn't make idols of them and so that I could appreciate them more. I’ll be the first one to admit: I love my friends, and they have now become my family. I know that they are blessing from the Lord, and that he heard my prayers for more godly friends.

Some of my awesome friends and I. <3
Sometimes God will take us through the process so that we can prepare for the gift. If you know me, you know that I want a husband one day. This is one of my heart’s desires. In order for me to be prepared for marriage, God is teaching me to enjoy my single season. In the seasons before God’s promises to us are birth, we may have to endure “the struggle.” Another example of this in my life is my desire to become a teacher. In order to get this dream fulfilled I have to go through a series of classes and tests to make sure I am competent to handle this position (or gift). We can’t just have everything we want like that *snaps finger.* We have to trust in the Lord.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” Proverbs 3: 5-6
It may not always be easy to get the desires we hope for granted, but know it already has been worked out for our good if we delight in the Lord.
Amen, thx for being transparent. In God's timing...it's perfect!
ReplyDeleteGreat post ! :D
ReplyDelete@ Brittaney. Amen. So true.
ReplyDelete@ Ashley D. Thank you :) PTL.