Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel. Everyone's favorite brothers. Totally kidding here. This story really struck me a few weeks ago, for I was being like Cain. Now, I wasn't planning to kill anyone or something, but hey, sin is always crouching at our doors and it desires to have us, but we must rule over it (Genesis 4:7). 

Cain worked the soil and Abel kept the flocks. When their burnt offering times came, I picture Abel picking out his best animal to sacrifice to God and then I see Cain pulling up with some bruised, dusty fruit. I shouldn't be laughing at this, but think about how God might have turned up his nose at Cain. I imagine God saying something similar to this, "Like for real?  You know, I don't  want  left-over fruit, give me some meat! Some veal or something." Smh. But of course he  said  it in a better way, just modernizing it here.
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Umm...I'll take the steak. Please and thank you.

Cain needed to give what was pleasing to the Lord. His fruit offering was not enough because it did not require him to get out of his comfort zone. He gave the Lord what he knew. God requires us to give 100%. Often times this means giving him what we thought we didn't have in us. He aims for us to rely on him so that we can give him beyond our limits. Give it all to him or nothing. Sounds ouch, but...I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Revelation 3:15-16. 

We can lift our hands during service and sing and just go through the motions. (Just using an example here).  But what if God is calling us to do is to get out of our comfort zones? What if he told you to do more than lifting your hands? What if he wanted your worship to your lifestyle and not just something you do on Sundays? What if he wanted you to do something out of the norm? But that's not comfortable. Neither was Jesus dying on the cross. We have to do things beyond our limits. 

When Cain knew he wasn't doing enough, he got angry. (Genesis 4:5). He got mad at Abel's anointing that he did not work for. He didn't die to his flesh. That little seed of anger grew until he killed his brother. 

Genesis 4:8

Now, my own story in how I was being like Cain. It happened in church. Someone told me watch someone so that I could learn from them. Honestly, I got angry, similar to Cain, and I could feel my jealously brewing. Now, that person I was mad at had done me no wrong, yet I got angry at them and even God. What I needed to do was get mad enough at myself to push forth a change. 

I had to ask God to take those wrong feelings of pride, jealousy, and bitterness. I asked God to show me how to please him more. Yeah, this was uncomfortable for me, but I had to make sure I was right with God. When someone gives you a model of a correct behavior, such as Cain could have used Abel, do not be mad at that person or God. Instead ask God what do they do for their anointing, and what you should do so that you can grow. Be humble and real before God. Remember this Christian walk is not meant to be comfortable.  

Chin hugs!


Wordly wisdom vs. Worldy Wisdom

There are two types of wisdom. One from above and one from below. What type of wisdom are you being led by?
Firstly, I thought about the words "wordly" and "worldly" (I'll admit that I might have made up  the word "wordly" lol), and  they looked so similar at the first glance to an untrained eye. "Wordly" is derived from the Word (a.k.a. Jesus- John 1:1). Worldly is derived from the word, "world." Okay, so I hope I didn't confuse everyone here. 

Anyways, I wanted to challenge everyone to think about the wisdom they are applying to their lives. Is it sound doctorine from the word or from the world? To share a brief story that happened to me a few weeks ago, got me thinking about the types of wisdom and James 3 nailed it down for me. 

So, I was hanging out with a couple of my friends, and we were discussing relationships. My friend, knowing that I am single suggested that I try internet dating to find a guy. Now, I don't believe in internet dating because of  Proverbs 18:22 " He who finds a wife finds a good thing..." But internet dating and all of that is another blog post. What God prophised to me a few months ago was that I am not supposed to look for my man and that he would look for me. Through our hang out session with my Christian friends, I was told to essential get out of order of what God had spoken to me through his word (the Bible) and through a rhema word. 

Seriously, though, what they were saying seemed to make sense and sounded really good. Now, I am not here to try to through shade on them or anything, I am just using this story as an example. No names used here. Like I mentioned earlier, "earthly wisdom" may appear to be similar to "godly wisdom" to the untrained eye. In order for you to understand the difference between these two types of wisdom, you can check it up by the word. 

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.  But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.  But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3:13-18.

One could look at the story of Sarai and Abram. She used her own "wisdom" and tried to take God's word into her own hands. I mean it made sense in the natural. "Why not get my fresh, young slave to birth a kid for my husband when I'm all old?" Yet, it ended up as a big mess because she tried to allow Hagar to try to fulfill the promise God had given only to Sarai and Abram. (Genesis 16). 

So is your wisdom based from envy or self ambition? Or are you using wisdom coming from heaven that is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere?

How can you know the difference between worldly and wordly wisdom?
The more you grow in Christ, the more you will get to know him and understand his perfect will for your life. Rely on the Holy Spirit; ask him for help. Ask God to give you that godly wisdom and not the wisdom of this world. 

Peace & Love.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Let Go.

 So, lately, God has been leading me to let it all go and give all my burdens to him. (1 Peter 5:7). Part of me is like "let's do this!" And then there's this other part of me that's like, "uhhh...wait. Can't I figure out another way." 

Basically the verse that keeps me.
God has been revealing a lot to me during this season in my life. What's been standing out to me is the importance of trusting him with my future. In order to student teach in the spring I had to pass my English content test. This freaked me out because I had so many negative voices in my ear telling me that I should switch my major, or that I was not good enough to even major in English let alone teach it. Firstly, the devil will use some people to plant seeds of death and doubt. Secondly, while my GPA states otherwise, I know that it is no one but God who qualifies me.

 I was  freaking out about this test because I was failing the practice tests. I literally, got upset because I thought I wasted four years of my life on this major. I started to plan out taking a semester off from school, switching states, or skipping teaching altogether and just go to grad school.

What I needed to concentrate on was God's word. I have already been prophesied about teaching in my future, and I was told by God to major in English secondary education. On one of my tripping sessions, I was complaining to God about how I feared my future. He told me, "Don't you trust me? Let go." I was like "yeah," and I still continued to trip and lose sleep. It wasn't until the day before my test that I decided to read God's love letter to me (the Bible) that I actually let myself trust God.I realize now that he allowed me to fail these practice tests so that I had to look at no one but Him. I can't put faith in myself or my works, but only in Jesus who is able to save and provide.

While this is just my story about trusting God in regards to my test, I know this can be appicable to other areas in my life as well as yours :). 

  1.  Psalm 18:29. Phillipians 4:13.
  2. Stop the negative thoughts. When someone has death to speak over you, cast that trash down. 2 Corinthians 10:5. Don't look at negative people's comments, but look at God.
  3. Know that you are a conquer. 1 Corinthians 15:57
  4. Remind yourself of his promises. (Verses that helped me in my situation: Matthew 6:27, 33-34, Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 8:28)
  5. What God has for you is for you. (whether it may be your career, a husband, or a particular blessing)
  6. Know that Jesus will never fail you. 
  7. Even if you don't get what you want, still praise Him. Have an attitude of graditude. 
P.S.- I did pass my test. All thanks and credit to Jesus! 

Until next time.

The Holiday Blues